HOTH Lock My Brand: Social Media Profiles
Check Your Username On The Top Social Sites Take Charge Of Your Reputation And Register All of Them
What Is HOTH Lock My Brand?
HOTH Lock My Brand helps you improve your reputation and secure your brand name on all the top social sites in the world. Just submit your username and we’ll hand register the profiles, fill out all the details, and hand you over a white label report with all the URLs and login details.

Why Use HOTH Lock My Brand?
Reputation Management
Your brand is one of the most important assets in your business. Taking the right steps to secure it is pivotal. By registering all your social profiles with HOTH Lock My Brand, you prevent anyone else from taking your username.
Increased Brand Visibility
After we’re done registering your brand, you’ll be everywhere! From social sites, to video and blogging sites, you’ll have your brand ready to rock.
Hundreds Of Sites. Just A Few Clicks.
We’ll register all your necessary accounts for you so you’re ready to go, saving you the crucial time it would take to do it yourself.
Get Awesome Backlinks
Not only does LockMyBrand increase visibility for your name, you’ll also be getting high quality backlinks back to your main site! Many of these sites are High PR, authoritative and trusted sources–The top sites on the web.
How It Works
Just give us your desired brand name to secure and select your package depending on how many social account’s you’d like us to register.
Our highly trained team goes to work securing your brand name on social sites. We’ll create all these accounts from a special email address (so your inbox isn’t flooded with registration confirmations).
We deliver you a detailed report with all the properties registered, as well as usernames and passwords. Now your brand is secure.
Packages & Pricing
LMB 50
50 Profiles Registered
One Time Payment
Full Profile Completion
3 Week Turnaround
Order Now! -
LMB 100
100 Profiles Registered
One Time Payment
Full Profile Completion
3 Week Turnaround
Order Now! -
LMB 200
200 Profiles Registered
One Time Payment
Full Profile Completion
3 Week Turnaround
Order Now! -
LMB 300
300 Profiles Registered
One Time Payment
Full Profile Completion
3 Week Turnaround
Order Now!
Have Any Questions?
Talk to one of our experts to come up with a strategy that works best for you and your company for free!
View AvailabilityNo time for a call? No problem! Send us any questions you might have and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
What information is required to place an order?
To see what a sample input form looks like, [sg_popup id=”13705″ event=”click”]click here.[/sg_popup]
Where can I find my old LMB orders?
You can login to the old lockmybrand.com dashboard here.
On the order form it asks for my first and last name; do I need to fill this out?
Yes, we recommend doing so! A name is needed for verification purposes for Lock My Brand orders. If you’re a reseller, you may put your client’s name, or the name of the business owner in this input. If you’d rather not use those details, the business name is also acceptable.
What sites do you register?
Click here for a list of example sites that we register.