YouTube videos can help you build brand awareness, promote your products, and drive traffic to your website.

But you’re probably one of the 2.3 billion people who use YouTube, so you already know that videos are engaging and useful.

The problem is that there’s never enough time. You’re busy, and making YouTube videos is just one more item on an overwhelming to-do list.

We get it.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of easy YouTube video ideas to help you get started with YouTube as efficiently as possible. None of these video ideas require expertise or high production values, and they can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Why should you make YouTube videos?

You should make videos because your potential customers love them. You should put those videos on YouTube because that’s where your potential customers are.

Here’s how we know:

The average person spends a lot of time watching videos online — 2.5 hours per day. And it’s their preferred way to learn about you.

When asked how they’d most like to learn about a product or service, 69% of consumers said they’d prefer to watch a short video.

Facts about YouTube video marketing

So making videos is a no-brainer. But why put them on YouTube?

YouTube is a platform with huge reach — 74% of U.S. adults use it. Chances are, no matter what you’re selling, your ideal audience can be found on YouTube.

How to make a YouTube video

You know you should be making YouTube videos, but your first time creating video content can be daunting. How exactly do you make a good video for your YouTube channel?

Think about your audience

Before you start, think about who you want to make your video for. Your channel should include a mix of various video types.

For example, one product tutorial video might be very basic for beginners, while another is aimed at the advanced user.

To determine what kind of video to make, ask yourself questions like:

  • What problems does this person need to solve?
  • What stage of the customer journey are they in?
  • Are they looking for something serious, or will a funny video skit catch their attention?

Come up with an idea

If this is where you’re stuck, you’ve come to the right place. Just scroll down to find a list of 29 tried-and-true ideas for YouTube videos.

Write/film/edit your video

These days, anyone can make a video. A smartphone and some free video editing software are all it takes to make high-quality content.

It doesn’t have to be perfect — people like to see that businesses are made up of real, relatable people (And hey, you can always release your outtakes as a blooper reel — your audience will enjoy the laugh).

Upload the video to YouTube

Create a new YouTube channel for your videos if you don’t have one yet. After you upload each video, consider embedding it in your website as well.

Optimize your video for SEO

Just as you optimize a web page for search engine algorithms, there are ways to make your video more discoverable. Here are a few:

  • Research keywords. Use these in your video title and description.
  • Create a video transcript.
  • Make your video description at least 250 words.
  • Use relevant hashtags.
  • Choose an interesting thumbnail.
  • Promote your video on other channels. More views mean more visibility.

YouTube SEO tips

Stay engaged

People might reach out to you in the comment section of your videos. This is an opportunity to engage with your audience and address any questions or concerns they have.

Top 29 YouTube video ideas

We’re going to make your brainstorming session easy. Here are our top 29 popular video ideas that really work.

1. Introduction to your business

If you’ve never made a YouTube video for your company before, an intro video is a good place to start.

This video will serve as the channel trailer for your YouTube channel. Let your audience know what they can expect to see on your channel and why you’re the expert on that subject. End with a CTA to subscribe to your channel.

Here’s an example. Yeah, that’s us.

2. Explainer video

A product explainer video explains your product or service and communicates its value.

Our best advice for explainers is to follow the PAS formula: problem, agitate, solution. First, you identify the problem. In the example below, the problem is that travel is a hassle.

Next, you agitate. The example video digs deeper into the pain of travel: reservations, confirmations, cancellations, etc.

Finally, identify the solution. Your product! Explain how it can help.

3. Product demonstration video

A product demonstration video, like an explainer video, is another way to show off your product.

An explainer video is an overview of the product’s benefits, while in the demonstration video, you show your product on the screen and demonstrate how it works. You can even demonstrate any life hacks that your products might help with.

Ensure your audience gets a good look at the product and provides a walkthrough of the important features.

4. Product announcement video

Have a new product coming out? A video is a great way to announce it.

Product announcement videos often take the form of an explainer or demonstration video with added focus on the fact that this product is new or upcoming.

5. Tutorial video

A tutorial is a how-to video for your product.

You could make a comprehensive tutorial video about everything your product does, but that might get long and complex. Instead, make a series of tutorial videos demonstrating different aspects of the product.

For example, you can include videos on setup, troubleshooting, and use cases.

6. Unboxing video

Unboxing videos are popular with social media influencers.

An unboxing video is what it sounds like — you open a product’s box and show your audience everything inside. For example, a beauty product influencer might open a box of makeup, examine each item, and try it out so the audience can see what it looks like.

If you work with influencers, see if they’ll do an unboxing video that you can share.

You can also create one yourself. Here’s an example of a Lego unboxing video.

7. Review video

Product reviews are essential to winning customer trust. 77% of online shoppers view customer reviews as a deal-breaker or deciding factor in their buying decision.

Of course, they want to hear a review from an unbiased third party — not from you. See if you can work with an enthusiastic customer to create a review video. You can also showcase some reviews that exist on third-party websites, like Google Reviews or Amazon.

A reaction video is like a live review, where you watch something and react to it on camera.

8. Product comparison video

There are two ways to do a product comparison video.

If you’re feeling bold, you can compare your product to a competitor.

You can also compare two of your own products, if relevant. Customers might not know which of your products best suits their needs, and you can help them figure it out.

This product comparison example might be a little old school, but it’s a classic.

9. Customer story video

Customer stories are often presented in written form, but video is an excellent way to get your case study out there too. It gives you a chance to show satisfied customers praising your product or service in their own words, like in this video example.

10. Testimonial video

Testimonials and customer stories have a lot in common, but there are some differences.

Customer stories are usually more in-depth and feature a case study. They introduce the customer and their pain points and show how the product saved the day.

A testimonial can be as simple as a short clip of a customer saying how much they love your product. You could even include several testimonials in the same video.

11. FAQ video

Round up some frequently asked questions and answer them all in a single video. If you’re not sure what to talk about, ask your social media followers or email list to tell you their burning questions.

12. Common myth buster video

Are there any common misconceptions about your product or service? This is your chance to set the record straight.

13. Listicle video

5 top tips for decorating your living room. 7 fitness myths debunked. 10 toys that your cat needs for Christmas.

These are all examples of listicle videos. It’s a format you can use to talk about pretty much anything.

For example, GoPro made this compilation of mountain bike highlights.

14. Before and after video

What effect does your product have? Showing a before and after can be an effective way to demonstrate value.

Before and afters are common for products like laundry detergent or makeup, but you can create a before and after video for anything. Maybe your customer was stressed and unhappy before they used your service, but now they’re relaxed and carefree.

15. Webinar video

If you host webinars, you might already have videos to put on your YouTube channel.

Recorded webinars are often kept behind a form as a lead generation tool, which can be an effective marketing strategy. But having some webinars on YouTube can also help you build your audience.

Webinars are ideal for viewers who have a deep interest in the subject and want to watch more than a five-minute explainer or listicle video.

16. Live Q&A video

We’ve discussed FAQ videos. This is like that — but live. Live Q&A videos work best if you’ve already built up an audience that will engage with you during a livestream.

Use YouTube Live to host a Q&A session where you respond to viewer comments in real-time.

17. Live event stream

If you host an event, let your fans tune in from afar. You could even host a completely virtual event.

18. Event recap video

After an event, tell your channel about the highlights.

This doesn’t need to be a play-by-play of everything that happened at the event. Pick out the parts that will get your viewers excited about your work.

Here’s a compelling example from Tech Open Air.

19. Behind the scenes video

People love to feel like insiders. Build your connection with them by giving them a glimpse behind the scenes of your organization.

For example, how is your product made? Who cooks the food in your restaurant? What does a day at your office look like?

20. Company culture video

A company culture video is often used for recruitment, but it can also help your potential customers understand who you are.

Are you focused on innovation? Is your workplace laid-back? Do you give back to the community?

Show, don’t tell. A company culture video is best when you give the audience a glimpse of real-life at your company rather than just talking about it.

21. Meet the team video

Company culture isn’t just about the office or the company values — it’s about the people.

A meet the team video introduces some of the people who work for your organization. It can be about the whole team or just one person, like this example from Amazon.

Amazon’s video uses the story of Brendan to highlight the company’s inclusivity.

22. Weekly industry news videos

Your YouTube channel doesn’t have to be all about your product or your business.

You can promote yourself as a voice of authority in your field. One way to do that is by making videos about the latest industry news.

Releasing industry news videos regularly is an easy way to keep the content coming.

23. Challenge video

Remember the ALS ice bucket challenge?

That might be the most famous YouTube challenge to date, but there are others. Keep an eye on YouTube trends to find more challenges to participate in. If any fit the tone of your channel, hop on the bandwagon.

Don’t forget to use the challenge hashtag to put your video in front of more people.

Watch an android phone participate in the ice bucket challenge in this video from Samsung.

24. Blog recap video

As we’ve established, many people prefer videos to the written word. So if you’re writing regular blog posts, a sizable portion of your audience may be missing the message.

You could create videos to go with individual blog posts or produce a weekly or monthly recap that gives an overview of the latest blog articles.

25. Infographic video

Promote your cool infographic by making a video about it. It works best with an information-packed image.

26. Whiteboard video

You want to provide an interesting and informative visual in your video, but you don’t have the resources for anything fancy.

Enter the whiteboard video. In a whiteboard video, you stand by a whiteboard and use it to explain something to your audience — usually a more complex topic.

In this example, Justin from Rapid7 uses a colorful whiteboard to explain patching.

27. Expert interview video

Interview an expert in your field. It could be someone outside your organization or a team member with specialized skills or experience.

28. Customer thank you video

Let your customers or YouTube subscribers know you appreciate them.

Here’s Bill Gates thanking his one million subscribers.

29. Vlog videos

You’ve heard of a blog. A vlog is like that but in a video.

A great way to ensure you have regular content for your channel is to produce a series of videos on a topic.

Put every vlog episode in a YouTube playlist so fans can find them easily.


We hope you feel inspired by this list of 29 YouTube video content ideas. Your first few YouTube video ideas can be hard to come up with, but you’ll be on a roll before you know it.

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Schedule a call and let us help you bring your ideas to life.